If you would like to request a return, or have believe your ordered goods to be faulty or damaged, please fill out our Returns Form found at the bottom of this page. Once the form is received, this will begin our hassle-free returns process and we will begin to reach out with the next steps. This could result in a product repair, exchange or refund.
Please see the below policies to confirm your eligibility and understand our Returns Process before continuing.
Online Returns Policy;
We highly recommend all consumers read our Returns Policy prior to making a purchase.
We must be informed of your decision to cancel and return within 14 days of the orders delivery of the item(s). Orders are only eligible if appropriate care has been taken to ensure the item(s) are in an “like new” condition and all original packing must be undamaged.
Please note that shipping cost is only refundable if the return is the result of our own error such as a faulty or incorrect product. If the return is issued due to a change of mind, you will be responsible for all delivery costs. If a collection is requested, the customer will be deducted a change of mind fee of €6.99 from their refund to account for shipping costs.
- Please see our Refunds Policy below for information regarding processing a Refund.
- Please see our Returns Exclusions section before contacting the store to ensure your order is eligible for a refund.
PLEASE NOTE: It is our policy to ONLY issue a refund for any product, damaged or by change of mind, once the parcel is collected by either our external courier or internal delivery drivers, in compliance with 'The Consumers Rights Act 2022', Section 28, (2) and The Consumers Rights Act 2022', Section 24, (6).
Power Tool Returns;
All Power Tool Returns are processed under a strict: Repair, Replace, and Refund Policy.
If you are experiencing issues with an order that is a Power Tool, either DIY or Garden use, this must be reported within 14 days of receipt. Any malfunctions with the product must be made in a report via email to info@eechardware.ie. Once received, we will assist the customer by investigating a warranty claim.
In the event of a warranty claim, the product must be returned to our store at your expense and will be assessed for warranty before being returned to you. Goods submitted for repair will be evaluated and/or repaired within a reasonable timeframe, which may vary due to factors beyond our control and the repairer's control, such as part availability or incorrect fault description.
If a warranty claim is rejected, you will be responsible for labor, assessment, and/or freight fees if the goods are determined to have been damaged by misuse or accidental damage.
Online 'Bulky' Returns;
Any products labelled 'Bulky' are subject to additional returns criteria, and may be subject to higher Change of Mind Fees.
To proceed with a return for 'Bulky' goods, the customer must send, via email or messages, an image or images confirming the condition of the goods to be eligible.
- Eligibility refers to the condition of original packaging and any usage or damage identifiable on the goods. Any diminishment to the goods original value through wear may reduce the value of the goods subsequent return, unless the damage is proven to be the fault of EEC Hardware.
As per Section 12 & 14 of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, we encourage all customers to check Bulky Items within a reasonable time frame of the goods receipt, offering a maximum of 14 days before bulky goods become non-refundable. After this period, we will have to thoroughly investigate the cause of damage to the products and determine the source of fault before we can continue with a return.
The following criteria are evaluated to determine the fee of a 'Bulky' Change of Mind return;
- Quantity of products to be returned
- Condition of products original packaging
- Weight and size of goods, in accordance with standard courier oversized restrictions.
Online Refunds Policy
Refunds are to be made via the method of payment used to make the online purchase. Refunds will be processed within 5 working days of the receipt of the returned goods or cancellation of the order. Refunds are only issued, if deemed eligible, once we have confirmation of the original goods being received by either; our drivers or our associated courier.
Once processed, refunds on average take 1 - 5 business days to complete, but may take up to 28 working days in extenuating circumstances. We encourage customers to contact the EEC Hardware Online Team for any enquiries relating to delayed refunds.
Please note; Once your refund is processed, we are not responsible for any extended processing times. We may attempt to contact our payment merchant on your behalf to locate delayed transactions but are not authorised to contact your bank or payment provider.